Saturday, March 14, 2009

Opposites Attract...Confusedly

I think some of the most powerful and interesting forces in my life are opposites. Like what the best reaction to a situation is, where at times I feel it might be hardest but best to simply accept a situation, but it might be hardest but best to fight and strive to change a situation. Or my pressing desire to have a lasting impact, and yet my fear of doing anything that has a permanent consequence (be it positive or negative, or more likely a difficult-to-read mix). I guess this isn't really a new concept, the idea of the presence and balance of opposites, I think in a very general sense that's kind of the idea behind yin and yang. But perhaps these powerful, opposing forces are one reason why life can be a little confusing...


  1. i like this post! and despite your somewhat pensive-but-forlorn tone, opposites are a good thing! at least you know you're thinking through your thoughts enough to recognize the good and the bad. nearly everything has a good and a bad side to it, and you can see clearly enough to recognize both =) i dont know if i worded that very clearly...

  2. HAHA! david, look what you did:

    (on gchat just a few minutes ago):

    Angeli: can i use the last blog photo for my fb pf?
    i didnt ask last time and i realize i should have


  3. hmm..this reminds me of the prompt we wrote about in english today -- how stoppard (author of rosencrantz & guildenstern) said something like 'i write plays because dialogue is the only respectable way to contradict oneself.' sort of like sometimes you just have to accept opposites or having two different opinions on something, etc.
