Wednesday, August 12, 2009

About Me

I'm going to try one of those facebook like notes that help you delineate who you are. But here's the catch: I'm going to put it on my blog instead of facebook. Ohhh yeah, that's right. I think the form is 20 things about me, so here it goes.

1. I have neither a favorite color nor number. I guess I wasn't into favorites in kindgerarten or preschool when I learned about colors and numbers, and I haven't really chosen one since.

2. I'm a yankees fan

3. See above.

4. I own literally (I've counted) five times more merchandise with a Stanford logo than merchandise with a Yale logo.

5. I don't remember the last time music and/or a new day failed to cheer me up.

6. I don't like drama (the genre in literature in film I have nothing against, but I mean the histrionics about relatively trivial subjects). Especially when it's drama I create or get consumed in. Be it about personal relationships or class scheduling or food or political polling. In fact I strive to one day be knighted Sir No Drama David, or Sir No Drama Obama the 2nd.

7. If I ever made the MLB (or really any baseball league that palyed at bat music), my at bat music would be "I'm bigger than my body gives me credit for." I believe I would be the only player to have John Mayer for my at-bat music.

8. Speaking of at bat music, you should see the home run trot I came up with in the hypothetical situation I ever hit a home run.

9. I'm prone to an aggrandization of life and thus an underappreciation of the moments that its comprised of.

10. I find it very hard to think of 20 things about myself.

11. I think karaoke is my latent artistic talent.

12. But don't even get me started on dancing. I'll tear up a dance floor. As long as I don't have to do it for more than 3 minutes. My moves kind of run out after that.

13. I am loathe to use sesquipedalians. NAHHH. JK.

14. I very easily run out of things to say. But I also don't really mind moments of silence.

15. I generally prefer non-fiction, but if I'm reading right before sleeping, I want fiction.

16. I have very bad handwriting.

17. I'm leaving for college in 10 days.

18. I am happiest when thinking about things other than myself.

19. No wonder I'm so sad right now.

20. Just kidding! I'm super happy! Because I just successfully completed this post!


  1. I don't have a favorite number either!
    Partying like Arackstar on the dance floor woohoo! :)

  2. hahah david!! this was very entertaining to read. IM GOING TO MISS YOU MR IM-LEAVING-IN-TEN-DAYS. please keep blogging and updating about your life through college!!!!

  3. More interesting in this post than the "20" things you told us were the things you didn't say.

  4. ahh! lol WHAT DANCE MOVES? :) jk
