Thursday, July 30, 2009

First (in two months)

So it's been a couple of months now since I've posted, so I thought I'd post some of the thinking that has consumed a lot of my 'excogitation.' Normally, when I post on my blog, I try to express something that might be helpful or interesting or entertaining to others. I'm not sure this post so much follows that pattern, but perhaps you've had a similar challenging thought process (see below for clarification), in which case I'm there with you. Or perhaps you might be interested in what I've been thinking about the last few months! (In which case I can direct you to a couple of great reality TV shows on mtv that readily display much more interesting thoughts/sentiments). But with that caveat that this post has limited utility, here it goes. 

"I questioned everything--not comprehensively, in fact very narrowly, but to the root. 

I questioned everything, except the questioning itself. 

Until I realized, in the continual middle that for this post will serve as the end, inevitably I will need some fundamental assumptions. And I can try and base those assumptions off of observations, call it empirical and fact, but I can never see all, and what I do see, how do I judge that. No, there will always be assumptions. In other words, I am fairly confident it is impossible to empirically derive what this life is." A cliff notes to the life of David Kastelman June 1-July 29, 2009.

July 30, 2009.
I still get paralyzed by the why's, I am still not exactly sure when to stop them. If there is no ultimate, single, derived objective (or if there is one but I can not know what it is), what do I base what I do on? Well, let's start with assumption zero: I am going to live. Biologically, I'm covered.
[...I think in the fashion of Siddhartha and because assumptions are necessarily so individualistic, I'm going to excerpt my thinking here... I get the added benefits of perhaps seeming mysterious and profound and illustrating the manner in which google book annoyingly operates...come on google, buy the works of all the authors (with the exception of J.K. Rolwling who would probably charge too much) by now...] 
dabbling in philosophy is going to drive me insane. At least I've found a crutch of assembled assumptions I'm certainly not sure of but I've thought about. 

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